The online racing simulator
LFS Replay For all Version´s
Many ppl have Old replays with great moments racing ( like me ) , but every time the Physisc change a little on the game , we are not able to see again that replay , my point is , why not make a separate application to see old replays versions?

Mi idea is :

Only replays to see , no single player , no multiplayer , no hotlap , etc etc etc
Example : if you got a Replay that´s require a Q version of lfs , then you change the option to Q version , also change the physics wass in that version, an so for all Replay´s you have for each version , i lose to many good replays when i start to play LFS sinse the physics wass changing among time

I know this required to much development., but think about it , How many times you wanna see a great Rp you have and dont cuz the physics change?

I hope can understand me.

Sorry for my terrible english
I can't see that happening. Big job to re-implement all physics engines which are redundant and past their use by date. Don't get your hopes up.

You only solution is to keep a separate copy of each LFS version.
Someone in the LFS community could theoretically compile such a program.. but doing so would un-doubtedly require reverse-engineering of the various versions of the program, breaching the EULA... It would be neat for some people to have such a tool, but I'm not sure it will happen.
My point is , make the program with the tracks and cars , but you only can see the replays , should be a option to change within versions for the physics, The program only have 2 option , Change Version Physics and Pick your replay , and nothing more,

@maggot , wich part is against EULA?

@jason , Many ppl don´t have 40GB More o less is indiferent for keep a extra copy every time the physics change to see such replay

I think my solution is practical
I did see your point about removing Single Player and Multiplayer. I understand what you meant. But it's not as easy as that.

The replay menu section uses the main game engine anyway to produce the graphics/effects during the replay. The game is essentially playing itself automatically in replay mode, the game is running (in a kind of multiplayer mode with no local players). To make what you are asking, the whole GAME (physics/graphics) would have to be incorporated into a physics adaptable application (LFS) then the flexible replay button would work. Saying to remove the single and mulitplayer buttons will not make much less work. Behind the scenes it will have to be an almost working version of LFS.

A more practical solution (yet still quite difficult to say the least) would be to make a replay converter for multiplayer replays. But that would still produce wonky replays.

MAGGOT means if some user reverse engineers LFS, that is against the EULA.
Quote from Inouva :@maggot , wich part is against EULA?

Quote from JasonJ : MAGGOT means if some user reverse engineers LFS, that is against the EULA.

Reverse-engineering is against the EULA, and that is what would need to be done for a community member to make such an application. It's too great a task for the devs to take on at this stage, imho, so a community member would have to do the work for use to see this kind of program, and as it is against the EULA I doubt we'll see it.
Another solution would be to let LFS convert replays into a portable, physics-independent replay format. The new format would not contain every detail from the car's physical state or the driver's input. It would be more like a movie, except that you can view the race from any angle you choose.

Apart from being independent of the LFS patch number, this would have some extra advantages:
- The portable format could be frame-based, making it easy to do smooth rewinding and scene selection. It would be a good tool for movie makers and race stewards.
- You could convert both SPR and MPR files to this format.
- You could let demo users view "licensed" races, without having to worry about cracks (because the conversion is one-way).
@wsinda : Yeah that would be a good idea, and quite easy to implement since it is very clsoe to what MPR are. SPR are an autocalculation of LFS's physics. MPR are "just" some saved coordinates (position, speed, damage, angle) of what happened online. That's why when you look at your MPR you can sometime feel like : "I didn't do this" or "Wait, I passed him earlier in the corner" (especially when the server has got a hellotta to pack). To prove this, just collide to a wall in MP after 3 or 4 laps and watch it a 0.125x or x0.25 and you will see that your car undergoes the deformation just a fraction of second BEFORE actually hitting the wall.

So yeah, a program that could convert SPR into a coordinate-like replay like MPR are would be:
1) Easy to do
2) Fun to watch ^^