The online racing simulator - Free Beta Servers
(10 posts, started ) - Free Beta Servers
Hi, is a brand new game server hosting company looking for your help!

We need 5 brave volunteers to help us with BETA testing our services.
Our servers are very unique as we run each Server instance inside its own Linux Container. Meaning your server gets its own dedicated share of the Nodes CPU and RAM. This increases performance a great deal and now we need you guys to stress test it for us!

+ Any Size, Any Use!
+ Full Insim Hosting Including MySQL Support (Request via Support Ticket)
+ 1Gbit Port (Low Latency Network Designed For Gaming)
+ Ddos Prevention as Standard
+ Full Control Panel Access (File Manager, Start/Stop/Restart)
+ Free Mumble Server (On Request Via Support Ticket)

Once you have signed up keep a lookout on the email address on which you signed up with. Your welcome email containing all your new server details will be sent there!

Sign Up Here!

**EDIT** Signups are now finished!


Azza -
#2 - WiNdE
First i was like yay, then i realized... I was order number #9.

EDIT: Apparently i was first though lol
Thats only where i tested the order system earlier. It shouldnt let any more orders be placed once the 5th server is allocated. Dont hold me to that though! I'll be sure to dsiable further signups once all 5 servers are allocated
First 2 Signups are Setup and Running Please Check Your Emails!
3rd Signup Complete, Setup and Running! Check Emails
4th Signup Complete, Setup and Running! Check Emails
nice, I just put myself down for one as well
Okay that's all five servers allocated now. I shall provision the setup on yours ray in around 40 minutes just busy with something at the sec, keep a look out on your inbox for welcome email
5th Signup Complete, Setup and Running! Check Email!
Quote from hayward :5th Signup Complete, Setup and Running! Check Email!

Thanks, got it! - Free Beta Servers
(10 posts, started )