The online racing simulator
Force Feedback Reversed/Inverted!?!
I think this has been brought up before but I haven't found a solution that works.

I have a Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP and this problem happens to me in both LFS and NR2003.

The force feedback is inverted meaning it tugs away from center toward the left or right and resists me as I return the wheel to center. Once the wheel crosses center then the FF pulls it toward the other lock.

It should be the opposite. The wheel should resist me as I turn it from center and return to center if I let go. Now in ISI sims like rFactor and F1C, this problem can be solved by using negative FF values but since LFS and NR2003 don't have that ability, what can I do to correct this (beside the obvious reduction of FF strength)? Are there 3rd party tweak programs that can invert the force feedback behavior?

Also does the Momo and/or other Logitech wheels suffer from this problem?
That's the craziest thing I've heard yet from a wheel. I can't comment on it other than I have a Momo, and it doesn't do anything like you describe. Is the wheel new to you? You sure you have everything in the windows gaming options/Logitech profiler set properly? Strange illepall . I don't know of any setting in either sim or for Logitech wheels that can "reverse" the FF settings.
Quote from mrdodgers :I don't know of any setting in either sim or for Logitech wheels that can "reverse" the FF settings.

This is for real though, I had that problem myself with several games (eg F1C, rFactor) so I've started asking about the "weird force feedback effects" and I've been told, I need to inverse them for my wheel with this game.

Unfortunately I can't really help since I can't find that option myself (not in LFS and not in Logitech Profiler). Got a MOMO Force.
That's just it. In ISI games the Force Feedback strength slider bars also go into the negative values up to -100%. The solution of using negatve FF values was pointed out to me in forums for those games not long after I got this wheel (little over a year ago). The problem was common too.

However, there aren't any options for negative FF values in LFS so this is a major problem for Logitech wheel users.

It is often described by others as 'oscillation' but its the same issue. The wheel won't hold true center because the force feedback pulls away from center rather than towards it. This problem is somewhat masked by having centering spring force enabled in the Windows game controller settings but nevertheless the weird behavior is still there.
Quote from RacingSimFan :It is often described by others as 'oscillation' but its the same issue. The wheel won't hold true center because the force feedback pulls away from center rather than towards it. This problem is somewhat masked by having centering spring force enabled in the Windows game controller settings but nevertheless the weird behavior is still there.

With that final comment on enabling the centering spring leads me to ask if you have the latest drivers downloaded? The latest is version 4.60 and can be found by googling for "the wingman team" (sorry, don't know the address off hand.)

I had an "occillation" problem in LFS, but I wouldn't describe it as you do. The gist of what I'm getting from your description is opposite of what I felt. To me, it seemed the forces would load up and as I returned to center, they would let go causing me to overshoot center, then load up again. Does that ring a bell? If so, that is what I've mentioned in other threads where I set the "Spring Strength" to above 100% (not to be confused with "Centering Spring". That should be unchecked and at 0% with the 4.60 drivers.) I have mine set at 138%. Try that out and see if it helps.
I have a Momo. It needs to be reversed in all ISI games, but in LFS it's fine. I use the latest drivers, and I turn off all the effects and centering springs in CP.

So I wouldn't say it's an LFS problem. I've never heard of anyone who's had reversed forces in LFS using Momos Black and Red, and DFP's, and MSFF, and WMFF etc...
My MOMO never had this problem either.
ive had to reverse my msff to play gtr and rfactor demos i believe but not in lfs, maybe try the drivers?
1st: do a headstand while playing and turn your monitor, everything should be reversed. Or take out the usb cable and put it in the other way round
I have the same wheel (Wingman FF GP) and have had that problem plus weird shaking while standing by on track.
Solved it setting "Wheel turn" under "Options" to 180 deg. (it seems natural as this would be the phisic steering angle of our wheel, but for some reason I forgot to set it properly on first wheel install; default is 270 deg. as for the majority of wheels out there)
Hope you solve it too.
Thanks for your help.

I've tried the drivers but that hasn't made any difference. I'll try some of your other hints.
well if more people have the same problem then scawen might look into it, altough i thought lfs worked fine with most of the wheels, perhaps a negative ff as in other games.
edit: i just payed a visit to the wingman site and it says:
"The following devices are *not* included in the Logitech® Gaming Software 4.60 release:"
WingMan® Force™
WingMan® Formula™ Force
so maybe you should get an older version of the software if it is supported, also you should pay attention to the unninstall of the 4.6 drivers as is stated in the website.
another edit btw :P the older versions are here
I saw that before which is why I reverted back to 4.50.

Nighthawk's and Razzone's ideas have helped some. They minimize the problem but I guess nothing can completely solve the problem aside from using negative values which isn't possible in LFS.

Why Logitech's wheels are like this is beyond me.
Hmm, I have the same problem here. The FF-effects are weird, it looks like they're inverted. I'm using a Logitech Driving Force EX.
I get exactly the same thing. Like if you let go of the wheel on a straight then it sways left to right.
#17 - Davo
Sounds interesting. The swaying left and right isn't caused by a tank slap effect is it? My ff seems fine but I also get the swaying, I tought it was normal since the car is corrrecting due to weight shift but soon it goes out of control.
Nah, when i have my FF setting higher than about 70 (on LFS settings) then the car ends up crashing itself out due to the swaying. Its worse on Rear wheel drive cars, especially open wheel racers, which is what i love to race.
#19 - Woz
Quote from vincper :Hmm, I have the same problem here. The FF-effects are weird, it looks like they're inverted. I'm using a Logitech Driving Force EX.

So even if you are doing say 20mph then turn the wheel slightly and then let go it will continue to pull to full lock?

Are you sure its not just the wheel trying to counter steer when the back steps?

Like others I have owned Logi wheeels (DFP and G25) and they do not have the issue.
Problem is that the FF effects don't countersteer. So i need an option to invert ff-effects...