The online racing simulator
#1 - Dac
Sidewinder Precision Pro - seperated but brake is on/off
ive got the 4.0 software installed and in the menu everything is working correctly. however in LFS every thing works perfect except the brake pedal is treated as an on/off switch. if i try hard i can get it to display at ~40% but thats about a 2mm depressed and completely unusable.

obviously in game even slightly touching the pedal and the wheels lock up. help please
i have this exact problem with the throttle and the brake.

In the sidewinder app control panel the pedals respond perfectly, but in game they are digital, ie on or off.

Does anyone know of a solution?
When in Options > Controls with the "Axes / FF" tab selected, do the blue/yellow bars on the right side move smoothly for the brake pedal or are they on/off too?

If they're smooth, then just make sure to click the "unlock" button on top of the blue/yellow bars so LFS can recalibrate the input range.
tried all that, nothing quite so simple.

The axis bars in the LFS control section are on/off. But when moving to the windows control panel, selecting the sidewinder device from the game controllers. The axis are smooth within the game controller app. Its like LFS doesnt recognise the pedals properly.