The online racing simulator
SO2 & SO3 - Live host progress [fixed]
When server uses SO2 or SO3 on live host progress track configuration name is wrong. Unofficial instead of Sprint.
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Vic, just noticed this in 24 h race
why is this happening?
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There are two possibilities to investigate :

1) host loses contact with master server
2) master server or stats system restarted

I don't think (2) is very frequent so that leaves (1) to look into.
When that happened in the race, all people connecting from the UK lost connection to the server - and nobody was able to connect to the server at all. I guess you can tell that from logs though. It didn't all happen at the same time though iirc. The ones you can see in the live host progress are teams that connected after that happened.
Well, the picture you put here is after the server breakdown. The teams who are on a much lower lapcount than the others are the ones who were affected in the race by that issue(car numbers 06 and 23).
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :When server uses SO2 or SO3 on live host progress track configuration name is wrong. Unofficial instead of Sprint.

That takes me back to S1... when they were named Unofficial 1 and Unofficial 2... Probably because there's no real pitlane on them.

Random flashback FTW